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Are you consuming hidden dangers in your food?

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a food additive that’s used in tens of thousands of products and restaurant dishes. MSG is a salt that occurs naturally in glutamic acid (a non-essential amino acid). But there’s nothing natural about the extreme damage it can do to you. MSG typically builds up in your brain, going deep into your brain tissue. It can then cause inflammation and swelling, kill thousands of your brain cells, disrupt electrical impulses, weaken neurotransmitters, burn out neurons, make you feel confused and anxious, and even lead to micro-strokes. It also weakens and injures your central nervous system and can cause symptoms of fibromyalgia or irritable bowel syndrome. MSG is especially harmful if you have an illness that involves your brain or central nervous system. However, there are no circumstances under which it’s good for you. As a result, this is an additive you should always avoid. Because MSG is included in countless products, it’s essential to read food labels carefully. It’s also important to know what to look for. MSG is often “hidden” on labels because of its deservedly bad reputation. The following terms usually mean that MSG is an ingredient:

Autolyzed protein, Brewers yeast, Broth, Bouillon, Calcium caseinate, Gelatin, Glutamate, Glutamic acid, Hydrolyzed plant protein, Hydrolyzed protein, Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, Maltodextrin, Modified corn starch, Modified food starch, Monopotassium glutamate, Natural flavor, Protein isolate, Seasonings, Sodium caseinate, Soy protein, Soy sauce, Textured protein, Wheat starch, Yeast extract, Yeast food, Yeast nutrient.

MSG and its many disguises are very addictive. Research from the U.S. National Library of Medicine highlights the connection between MSG and obesity. While excessive food cravings caused by MSG’s taste-enhancing effects figure into this relationship, MSG may directly cause brain lesions, insulin resistance, and leptin resistance. Therefore, MSG can no longer be considered simply a flavor enhancer. It’s an intrinsically harmful chemical that can disrupt your hormones and actively contribute to metabolic syndrome, obesity, fatty liver, and dysregulated blood lipids, as well as a wide range of neurological problems.

Check food labels for the above ingredients, these are even showing up on supplements now, so be aware. Maltodextrin is used very commonly these days, if this ingredient is on the label or any of the above, refrain from buying it, your body and brain will thank you in years to come.

Health is Wealth

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2 comentários

02 de jun. de 2023

Wow, that is scary stuff. And why do the governments allow the food producers to hide MSG behind those different deceptive names.

Respondendo a

I agree, it’s pretty scary. We have to be so vigilant if we wish to stay healthy these days. I think I know why all these chemicals are allowed in our food, but that’s a conversation for another day. 😅 Stay healthy 💚🙌🏼

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