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Hi Vibe Tribe, this one is for the ladies.

While menopause is a normal biological process, risk factors for early menopause include smoking, history of earlier, and shorter menstrual cycles, and history of heart disease. Hormonal imbalances such as early menses in girls are more common now than 30 years ago. More than uncomfortable symptoms, early menopause can place women at higher risk for heart disease, osteoporosis, and mortality. One study demonstrated that U.S. women who experienced nonsurgical menopause before age 40 had a 50% higher mortality rate than those age 50 or older, and women between the ages of 40-49 at menopause had a 35% higher risk of mortality when compared to those over age 50.

Being a woman of 50 myself, I began getting symptoms of perimenopause around 45-46 years old. Night sweats were becoming a common occurrence and also extremely heavy bleeding, (apologies for the graphic details haha), I began to feel pretty miserable and tired around this time of the month. Although my diet was not bad, there were things I could change, and also learn to manage stress better.


After doing much research, I decided to give up all animal products. That meant, no meat, dairy or eggs. I continued to eat a diet rich in healthy organic greens, fruit, seeds, nuts and vegetables. Within a few weeks my symptoms began to disappear, and my next period was not so bad. A few months on, it was like my body had returned to its pre-menopausal state, even as good as back in my 20's. I also took time to meditate and do things that kept me as stress free as possible. Today, things are still regular, and I have no pains or symptoms whatsoever.


Commercialised farming uses a lot of hormones, antibiotics, other drugs and pesticides to produce a high yield. These contaminants end up in our food supply and once ingested, mess with our biological processes, including hormone production. Sweats are a symptom of toxic overload. Some women can even feel quite faint, this is due to the acidosis eating up the oxygen and essential minerals, creating a PH imbalance. If we want the symptoms to leave, we have to rid ourselves of the toxins that created them. When you stop consuming products that aren't certified organic, it allows the body to rebalance itself. So, if you are suffering any kind of menstrual issues, or perimenopause, my advice to you is to try to reduce your intake of all commercially farmed animal products, this includes all meat, dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt) and eggs, for a few months and see how you feel.


Incorporating exercise and movement helps encourage good bone health, cardiovascular health, and gut health. Exercise promotes proper elimination regarding complete digestion of valuable nutrients and metabolizing toxins, sweating is another way to release toxins from the body.


Throwing away chemical laden beauty products and cleaning products is an extremely beneficial change, as well as switching from tampons (include cancer promoting and hormone disrupting chemicals) to environmentally friendly sanitary napkins, as the vagina is four times as absorptive as our thinnest skin. Reduce the use of BPA plastics, especially if heating things in a microwave, these are very disruptive to hormone production.

Fortunately, creating sustainable changes with diet, lifestyle, exercise, and stress management will address multiple conditions and serve as preventative care.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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