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Our bodies were never meant to deal with constant stress, worry and fear, but in these times, it seems like not a day goes by when we aren't bombarded in the media about something bad coming, or reminded about the horrors that are already occurring in our world. I am not saying that these things are not happening, but how much of this bad news is having an effect on our health?

My advice, stop watching television! I personally haven't watched mainstream TV in over 7 years, it was the best decision I could of made for myself. Stop listening to media and propaganda and stop worrying what might happen. Prepare your own survival pack in case of an emergency, everyone should have one, - there are plenty of videos on YouTube if you do not know how to do this - or have some non-perishable food stored, medication, and some water. If you do this, you need not worry about anything else really.

Find ways to de-stress, spend more time out in nature, be amongst the trees, at the beach, or in the ocean. Have a warm bath, meditate, practice yoga, listen to calm music, read, draw, be creative, get a massage, anything that helps you focus on yourself for a little while, makes you feel happier and more at peace.

Sending peace, love and vitality vibes

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Please note: Always consult your health care provider before changing your diet, especially whilst on medication.

This information is not to treat or diagnose any illness or health condition and is to encourage you to make your own health care decisions in partnership with a healthcare professional.

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