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Whether you feel mammograms are a life saver in some cases, the facts are undeniable, that this sort of yearly radiation and bruising, could eventually cause an adverse reaction. Please be aware that these sorts of tests can cause the very thing we try to prevent.

Check your own breasts regularly, and if you find something you are concerned about, request a less invasive ultrasound or an infrared thermography, to determine a diagnosis.

Please remember, you have time, cancer doesn’t appear overnight, sometimes it takes many years to develop. Unless a tumour is blocking an important pathway, do not be rushed into a decision through fear, find a physician that will look after your best interests, not one that imbues panic, as this can be detrimental to your healing and well-being.

Sending peace, love and vitality vibes 


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Please note: Always consult your health care provider before changing your diet, especially whilst on medication.

This information is not to treat or diagnose any illness or health condition and is to encourage you to make your own health care decisions in partnership with a healthcare professional.

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